Monthly Prayers

Saturday 1st December, Monthly Prayer Gathering at St. Nicholas’ Nether Winchendon, 9:30-10:30 am to focus on the three villages and wider issues. All welcome. Ray Copping and Geoff Hogbin....
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Quiz Night

Saturday 17th November, 7:30 pm, Friends of St. Mary’s Quiz night in Church House, Long Crendon. Teams of up to 8 players per table, bring your own food and drink, tickets £10 per person. For tickets call Chris Miller on 208027 or Rowly Willis on...
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Rock Solid – Secret Church

On Sunday, our youth group, Rock Solid, held a secret church.  They pretended to be persecuted Christians meeting in secret to worship.  They had a 2 minute warning when they had to remove all evidence of Christianity from the room - Bibles went up jumpers, crosses were hidden under bowls and they pretended to be worshiping the North Korean leader instead of God.  They told the story of the resurrection without saying the name "Jesus".  They decorated stones with bible passages, which we photographed and sent via the Open Doors charity to persecuted Christians in the middle east. Then they wrote really thoughtful prayers. Please God help the persecuted Christians in North Korea. Help the oppressive regime to be overturned to Christians may live without fear. Dear Lord, please help people in North Korea worship God freely and pray for people in labour camps to be set free. Also help parents be able to tell their children and help them teach their children about...
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The Hiding Place

The Hiding Place is being performed by The Oddment Theatre Company at St Nicholas Church, Cuddington on Monday 3rd December at 7.30pm.  Tickets are available through their Benefice Office at St Mary’s Centre, Haddenham or online at  Ticket price is £10. The play is the incredible story of the Ten Booms, a devoted Christian family who felt they couldn’t just watch the devastating circumstances of the Jews so they acted and set out on an incredible rescue mission.  This led to Corrie and her sister being imprisoned in the Second World War.  The production focuses on God’s influence on Corrie’s life and how God gave her the strength and means to do His work in terrible circumstances. Book early to avoid disappointment!...
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Morning Celebration – 8th July

Come along on Sunday at 10am for a biscuit and coffee and to say goodbye to Morning Celebration which is finishing after 14 years, to make way for an exciting new kind of church - Messy Church, which starts up at the village hall in October.  ...
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Family Communion – 3rd July

Do come along on Sunday and join our Family Communion service, led by Rev. Richard.  There will be a Junior Church upstairs with a story and craft. If you prefer, there is a BCP Holy Communion in NW at 9am taken by Rev Richard and Cafe Sunday running in Church House, Long Crendon at 10am. Rock Solid (for year 7 and above) will meet from 6-7.30 in Chearsley. Contact Sharon on 208740 for more information. For our pew sheet, please follow this link....
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Coming up….

Sat 30th June - Ready Teddy Go Wed 11th July - 8pm PCC Meeting Sun 15th July - 1-2.30 Messy Church Meeting Sun 2nd Sept - Marquee Event Sun 16th Sept - Confirmation Sat 22nd Sept - Harvest Supper Sun 14th Oct - 4-5.30 1st Messy Church...
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