Good Friday Walk

The weather is looking perfect to get out for some fresh air this Friday, so why not come along to any part of this walk across the fields between our 3 villages – a Family service and hot cross buns at 10.00am in Nether Winchendon, then a walk to Chearsley for Good Friday hymns and readings  – or just join us for ploughman’s lunch in Chearsley’s churchyard at 12.15 and decide if you’re up for walking to Long Crendon. Everyone is welcome to join in at any stage, including dogs and children....
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Palm Sunday – 14th April

Choices, choices, choices..... First at 10am Then  at 4pm Then at 6pm In Long Crendon there is a special Palm Sunday Service with readings and music telling the story of the Passion of Christ.   There are a number of choir pieces and also congregational passion hymns. If you can't manage to get to one of these services, there will be blessed palm crosses in Chearsley church that you can pick up. Please note that during the Easter period we aren't following the normal service pattern, so refer to the green card that you have received or look on the notice boards and blogs for details of all the services in our 3 parishes...
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Messy Easter – Sunday 14th – 4pm

Messy Easter – Head over to Chearsley Village Hall on Sunday 14th April 4-5.30 for lots of Easter activities – Easter egg hunt, Paper Mache, Egg decorating, Hama Beads, giant jigsaw and lots more! Then listen to the Easter Story, eat a hot dog and a hot cross buns. All ages welcome to this free event. Just turn up!...
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Opera Pops – 27th April

Saturday 27th April 2019, 7:30pm, Friends of St. Mary’s Opera Pops Concert, tickets £15, to include canapes and a drink, from Rowly Willis on 01844 208597 or   An evening of popular operatic choruses, solos and ensembles....
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Mothering Sunday – 31st March

Everyone is welcome to come to this joyful family service. If you would like to help to make posies on Saturday 30th March please join Joy at her home  – 1 Bernard's Close from 2.00 pm. Any donations of small flowers and foliage would be greatly appreciated....
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Children’s Prayer

This prayer was written by the year 6 children at Cuddington and Dinton School Recognising what is special in others Dear Lord, Sorry that we do not always appreciate each other and the world we live in. Sorry that we judge people by the colour of their skin and other differences because every person is unique and special. Please forgive us for neglecting the needs of some people. Please forgive those who forget that we should all be treated in the same way and live together happily. Thank you for making us who we are and giving us our individual talents. Thank you for allowing each person to shine and stand out, regardless of our exceptional differences. Amen...
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