Response to Coronavirus

If you are isolated at home and want someone to talk to, or worried about a neighbour and unable to safely help, then you can contact Rev Richard on 01844 208987. We’d love to talk to you, and we can seek practical help through village social networks and our own church community list. And you can join us in praying for those who are ill, lonely, struggling financially, and working in the health and social care services.  Alternative arrangements for praying, serving and worshipping together Hi Everyone - The suspension of our regular Sunday and Mid-week gatherings challenges us all to find new ways of praying together and serving our villages: Join in with the Church’s daily rhythm of prayer Monday to Saturday – click here to find out how AND Take action to care for others where you live – click here to find out how And coming up this Sunday: At 7pm – Light a candle in your window for Mothering Sunday, as...
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Service Suspension

It with sadness that we have to put our usual pattern of Sunday services and other mid-week gatherings on hold. For the time being we won’t be meeting together to worship and pray.  We will however continue  to hold daily prayers in isolation so if you would like us to pray for you or just to have a chat, do contact us. ...
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Food banks

Local Food Banks:  you may have noticed in the press that Food Banks are very short of food donations because of people stocking themselves up against the Covid-19 virus.   If you do go shopping Richard suggests you may like to buy an extra item and donate it, either in the supermarket’s own specific bin, or by bringing it to any of our three churches for onward distribution....
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Youth Group Prayers

Our benefice youth group Rock Solid, met on Sunday and thought about some of the characters in the Easter story. As part of this, they wrote prayers and I was so impressed, I wanted to share them with you. Dear God, I pray for all parents, like Mary, that have lost children.  May you remind them that you are always with them, and  help them to grow in their faith so they find comfort with you.  Give them strength to live their lives to the full and may you shine through them, so they can show others you are an unfailing, strong source of comfort. Amen. Dear Lord,  we pray for all those like Joseph of Aramathea who have a lot to lose, but take risks to help people in need. Who use their wealth and risk their lives and positions to help others.  Amen Dear God, please help all those who are struggling after the loss of somebody close to them like...
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Lent Course – starting this week

4/5th March to 1/2nd April, weekly Benefice Lent Course  -  FIRST SESSION THIS WEEK!   You are invited to set time aside in the season of Lent to focus on being alongside Jesus.   Ann Persson will combine projected images with scripture and music, followed by discussion.   To be held on five Wednesdays 7:30-9pm, repeated on five Thursdays 1-2:30pm at Long Meadow, Dark Lane, Chearsley.     John 15.4   Jesus said ‘Make your home in me and I will make my home in you’...
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Sunday 8th March: in Long Crendon and Nether Winchendon.   Sunday 15th March: Chearsley (2:30pm in the Village Hall with cake!).   A key task of each annual meeting is to appoint our churchwardens and PCC members.   If you are considering a call into church leadership then please talk to Rev Richard who can talk you through these roles and the nomination process.   We give thanks for all those who serve the church in these important roles....
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