Musing on Mark – Mysterious Power
Musing on Mark 4, 26 to 34
This week we have 2 of Jesus parables of the Kingdom. What do you make of the first (26-29)? Is God the sower and reaper? Is the ground us? What represents the kingdom of God?
Or is it simple illustrating that the kingdom of God is about the mysterious power of the seed itself, germinating in the ground and growing away all by itself?
The parable of the mustard seed is familiar enough but what is it telling us about the kingdom of God?
Mustard had to be carefully controlled. From small seeds it grew wild and invasive and could take over your garden! A good image of the kingdom of God?
It’s black seeds are popular with the birds! (An image of the kingdom of God providing for its populations, and for all birds, the clean and the unclean scavengers? (no scarecrows in Gods kingdom!)
Left alone it can grow to around 3m high – modest but everywhere!...