Church Membership

LC and Ch Electoral Roll (NW has separate arrangements):  Please sign a new application form if you want to stay on or join our Electoral Roll.   This is an important way of saying you see yourself as part of our church family, and is used by the wider church as a measure of the church’s viability.   So please consider filling out an application by the deadline, Sunday 3rd March....
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Prayer Points for February

Prayer is the foundation of all we do in our daily lives as well as in our church life - after all, a relationship thrives on communication!   As we pray throughout the month - on our own, in small groups, and at services - can I invite us to pray for these particular people:  In our three churches, giving thanks for our bell ringers.   For all who ring out God’s glory across our villages; for our tower captains Andrew and Anne; and for all those considering learning.   In our three villages, please pray for our places to eat, to stay, and to celebrate.   For all those who work in them, and for those who travel elsewhere to work in the hospitality industry....
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Annual Bereavement Services

On Sunday 10th February 6:00 pm in Nether Winchendon, and Sunday 3rd March 6:00 pm in Long Crendon we will be holding Annual Bereavement Services to remember loved ones who have died.   During the service you can ask for their names to be read out and/or you can light a candle in their memory.   After the services all are welcome to share refreshments and memories....
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