Soul Spark

We have placed 10 "Prayer Stations" around the village for you to find, including one with tadpoles! If you start at the war memorial, you can follow the "clues" to the next one, or you can cheat and use the map! Note: there are 3 within the churchyard....
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Messy Church – Sunday 10th May

We would love to see you at our  Zoom Messy Church this Sunday.   If you would like to have a go at the craft, please click here for instructions. You might like to try the craft before Sunday, then show us the results!  Warning - It's addictive! A zoom link will be sent out via email and posted on our Family Fun Facebook page. Please contact Richard if you are not on the email list or Facebook group. Then be ready to play a scavenger hunt and hear a story.  Looking forward to seeing you!...
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Family Fun Ideas – Doubting Thomas

Did you know that all the research suggests that if faith is grown within the home, the chance of losing faith for a young person will be lowered. Doubting Thomas After Easter, Jesus appeared to his disciples, except Thomas. They tried to tell him what they had seen but he didn't believe them. Ever since he has been called "doubting Thomas". Here are some Messy Church ideas you could use to share the story with your children. And if you want to watch the story try this clip
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Sunday – Family Fun Ideas

Easter Sunday - Jesus has risen! Activity: Easter egg hunt – chat about why we celebrate Easter with hollow eggs. How the egg represents the empty tomb but also symbolises new life. Discuss:  How has Jesus’ resurrection changed the world?  Will you let it change you? Here is a short video for children: Activity: For older children and adults: Do you struggle to believe in the resurrection?  Here are 7 explanations that people give: Jesus was not dead Disciples were hallucinating Disciples lied / conspiracy The truth was distorted over time / legend There was an imposter Jesus Disciples were influenced/bribed Jesus was resurrected Watch these videos presented by a retired Cold Case Detective (who was an atheist before he investigated the resurrection).  He examines each of these possibilities and explains why no.7 is the only reasonable conclusion.  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Has your view changed?...
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Saturday – Family Fun Ideas

Saturday - when Jesus body lay in the tomb Activity: wrap someone in toilet paper, but be sure to save it for use later!  Think how Jesus’ body and cloth was anointed in a lot of oils and spices and how the women at the tomb, discovered the grave clothes left behind, with the head cloth folded up neatly.  For older children – tell them about the shroud of Turin that some people believe is the actual cloth that wrapped Jesus. Activity: Resurrection Roll – anoint a marshmallow in spices, wrap it in puff pastry burial clothes, then put it in the tomb (oven).   When you take it out, Jesus’ body will have disappeared! Discuss: What do you think Jesus was doing on the Saturday?   Lying dead in the tomb?  Already resurrected and getting healed by angels?  Getting a big hug from his father?...
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Friday – Family Fun Ideas

Good Friday - the day Jesus was crucified Activity: make this crown of thorns bracelet from wire and string.  Can you wear it until Easter Sunday? Activity: Bang some nails into a piece of wood, in the shape of a cross, then thread some wool around the nails. Activity: Paint your hands red and make a handprint cross on a big piece of paper.  Think about how we would have been the crowd shouting “crucify him”, so his death would have been on our hands. Discuss: Why do you think we call it Good Friday?...
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Thursday – Family Fun Ideas

Maundy Thursday - The Last Supper Activity: Make your own bread (or soda bread) and talk about the last supper while you share it. Here is a mini service from Messy Church that you could use which includes candles, prayers, a scavenger hunt and memory game. Discuss: How weird do you think it was for the disciples to be told “eat, this is my body, drink, this is my blood”.  Imagine your mum handing you your tea and saying that! After the last supper, Jesus went out to the garden of Gethsemane to pray.  It would have been a full moon, so quite bright.  Why not go outside, after dark, look up at the moon and think about how that moon is exactly the same moon that Jesus looked up at, when talking to his father, asking to be relieved of this terrible mission, but finally agreeing. Here is a video for children:  ...
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Wednesday – Family Fun Ideas

Activity: Play charades and see how many parables you can remember. Here are a few: the sower, mustard seed, hidden treasure,  pearl, unmerciful servant, workers in the vineyard, tenants, wedding banquet, 10 virgins, new wine in old wine skins,  wise and foolish builders, good Samaritan, friend at midnight,  unfruitful fig tree, lost sheep, lost coin and the prodigal son. Discuss: Which is your favourite parable and why do you think Jesus told so many?...
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Monday – Family Fun Ideas

Jesus said: “My Father’s House is a house of prayer but you have turned it into a den of thieves!”  . Activity: Make a prayer station in your house You could add a candle, prayer dice (if you have one), a cross, a photo of grandparents or NHS worker, flowers in a vase, bible, picture of Jesus (google “Prince of Peace”).  As you do it, talk about how Jesus went to the temple to pray but found a market full of people buying and selling things.  We think of Jesus as a calm, peaceful man, but on this occasion, he got very, very angry and even used a whip! Discuss: Do you think it is OK to get angry? ...
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