Hello everyone.
It is with heavy hearts that we have taken the decision to suspend our regular Sunday Services in church as we enter this new national lockdown.
I acknowledge that this will be painful and costly for those of you who’ve been in a position to attend services in church since July, but I sincerely believe that this is the best way of blessing our whole village at this time. The decision was taken in response to the government’s call for us to do all we can to prevent the spread of coronavirus, the overwhelming burden on our health service right now, and rising cases locally. We will review the decision at the end of January.
I will, by exception, be making monthly provision for those who are concerned for their spiritual well-being as a result of this decision, for example because they cannot access or engage with online services, or for whom taking communion physically is essential for their spiritual health. Please get in touch with me over email, or phone 208987, to ask about this and book your place.
In addition, funeral services in church will continue, subject to restrictions on numbers. And weddings can take place in particular circumstances.
Finally, we will continue to keep the church open for private prayer during the day, 7 days a week.
In the meantime, I commend our expanded programme of Online Worship and Fellowship to you:
- From Sunday morning: Our pre-recorded Act of Worship available on YouTube
- Sunday 10.30am: Breaking of Bread – A short act of live worship to complement our Pre-Recorded Service, based around the invitation to eat bread and drink wine in Remembrance of Jesus together over Zoom.
Moving into…
- Sunday 10.45am: Zoom Coffee Time – A chance to catch up with people from around our churches.
You can join either or both of these, and leave when you like.
- Friday 5pm: Prayer Meeting – Praying as we are led by the Holy Spirit until 6pm.
Joining instructions for each of these will be sent to you each weekend.
Please do get in touch with me over email, or phone 208987 to discuss any of this. Above all, don’t suffer in silence – Jesus remains present to you through the Holy Spirit and through his church – that’s us!
Rev Richard